Want to Connect with the Next Generation?

Posted on April 27, 2018 by

Are you an elder seeking to team with youth in community?

A young adult looking for community?

The FIC is proud to co-sponsor NEXTGEN North America’s Ecovillage Pathways gathering for deep connection this June 14-17, 2018 at La Cite Colebrook, New Hampshire, USA.

As a young team energizing the next generation of ecovillage leadership, NEXTGEN and the FIC invite you to join this 3-day event to help create dynamic and sacred space.

People all around the globe are honoring their gifts through intentional living and on-the-ground impact, providing healing alternatives to the status quo of separation. This isn’t new work, it’s the culmination of hundreds of thousands of generations testing and thriving.

With this event, we hope to facilitate the exchange of energy and knowledge between those seeking to pass on decades of learning and those wanting to create a life of meaningful contribution. If we are to heal our fractured systems, youth must learn from the successes of our ancestors, and elders must transfer their knowledge and responsibility.

We want to hear your wishes and concerns for the future of our world. How will you show up for what you love?

This event includes:

Foundational Community Building
Non-Violent Communication
Possibility Management
Global Ecovillage Network Introductions
Expand Your Box thinking
Ecopsychology & The Work That Reconnects
4 Dimensions of Sustainability
Elements from Ecovillage Design

Please come and experience this inspiring event and enjoy the wonderful community of La Cite Colebrook June 14th to 17th in New Hampshire.

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