to Face the Climate Crisisto Deepen our Connectionsto Learn from Each Otherto Uplift All Voicesto Create Just Economiesto Build a Foundation
People need community. Communities need people.
People and communities meet at FIC.
The Foundation for Intentional Community is here to support your journey toward connection and belonging. Our aim is to provide the resources you need to help you thrive. It takes Community to keep these resources affordable, accessible, and relevent.
Help us to ensure we can continue to provide all the tools you need to thrive in community. Your monetary contribution will return to you in the form of deeper connection to other communitarians, access to the knowledge of experts in the movement, and programs that teach others why community and collaboration can heal our planet.

Leave a Legacy Gift in your honor.
You can continue your efforts to create a better world far into the future. Work with us to accomplish this with a planned gift. Learn more or contact us.
Contribute a Donor Advised Fund (DAF).
You can make a charitable investment using money, stocks, or assets and distribute anytime. Give today and have it potentially matched at HalfMyDAF.org
Donate Cryptocurrency.
Your crypto-currency investments can make a huge impact on our efforts that grow with the market. Gift your crypto to FIC at every.org
Thanks to your support, we have…

What Our Donors Say…

The organization has shown to me a real commitment to understanding what intentional communities mean to people, not just through their plentiful courses, workshops, etc. but also through my specialty as an academic researcher. And, at least once a week I use the directory search! If you want to support an organization that goes above and beyond in supporting the movement, I suggest you support the FIC.
— Zach Rubin, FIC Donor
Associate Professsor of Sociology
Lander University
Learning to live together in ways that evidence personal responsibility and respect for others is a step towards larger goals of personal health, cooperation, and environmental protection. I’m grateful to the FIC for providing a hub of information and connection for the communities’ movement. We at Magic sponsor them because we perceive them to be especially effective in promoting ecology-based culture essential to human well-being.
— Hilary Hug, FIC Member & Sponsor
Magic Community Resident Fellow

The FIC is the premier gathering place for intentional communities in the Americas. Community seekers, founders, and members all benefit from the resources, guides, and companionship in the FIC.
— Aron Heintz, FIC Donor
Entreprenuer and Community Builder
FIC has been around [a long time] doing the basic work of community connection, building, and communication. It has been and is making a most meaningful contribution to the evolution of our society. I am happy to contribute to it.
— Eric N. Best, Ph.D., Legacy Donor
Founder of the Mariposa Group

Thank you for your support!
The Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) is a 501(c)3 tax deductible non-profit organization. If preferred, you can mail a donation to 1 Dancing Rabbit Ln, Box 23, Rutledge MO 63563-9757, USA.