Your resource hub for the intentional communities movement.
The Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) has over 35 years of partnership with hundreds of intentional communities around the world.
We believe human society has the potential to support the wellbeing of all people and the ecosystems of which we are a part, recognizing that the wellbeing of one depends on the wellbeing of all.
Why we do what we do
We face an overwhelming and inextricably intertwined set of challenges. They are all results of mutually reinforcing systems, operating on a global scale, that perpetuate harm and foster violence. They include:
Social isolation, division, disconnection, & trauma
Inequality, injustice, oppression, & exploitation
Climate disruption and ecological system collapse
Because of their integrated, place-based nature, intentional communities provide unique opportunities to address a variety of issues in a holistic way. As places for sharing lives, resources, land, and purpose, they provide and maximize an interconnected set of ecological, social, and economic benefits.
As a movement, intentional communities have unfulfilled potential to
Support the wellbeing of the people who live in them
Support each other
Support the shift the world needs towards cooperation, justice, and resilience
People need community. Communities need people. People and communities meet at ic.org.

What is an intentional community?
FIC defines an intentional community as a group of people who have chosen to live together or share resources on the basis of common values.
You may have heard of a commune, ecovillage, cohousing, coliving or student coop. These are all types of intentional communities. Intentional communities model more cooperative, sustainable and just ways of life. FIC curates a directory of over 1,000 communities worldwide, as well as supplies resources, runs educational events and promotes community classifieds.
Read more about terms and definitions for intentional community in this article.
About FIC
FIC champions social, ecological, and economic justice and resiliency through the support and growth of cooperative culture and intentional communities.
We envision a just, resilient, and cooperative world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in community.
- Cooperation – Relationships that recognize interdependence and create mutual benefit for all
- Resiliency – Communities respond to adversity by regenerating social and ecological health
- Liberation – Removing barriers to the resources and opportunities people need to thrive
FIC’s DEI Statement

FIC’s Core Programs
Communities Directory
Our free online directory of intentional communities is searched by 500,000+ people every year and the numbers continue to grow. We estimate there are a total of 3,500+ intentional communities in the United States alone. Our aim is to support and promote these communities as pathways towards a more sustainable and just world.
- See the online directory map and use the advanced search function
- List your community in our directory
- Purchase the Communities Directory Book (7th edition, 2016)
Communities Bookstore
Our online bookstore provides a wealth of information and resources on how to start, join and build intentional community. We feature hundreds of free, by donation, and for purchase books, in both print and digital formats, as well as videos, articles and free downloads. A world of knowledge awaits you! Check out what is new in the bookstore.
- Explore our online catalogue of books, videos and free resources
- Read articles about intentional community living
- Watch videos to rent or download
Advertisement & Classifieds
Our advertising options are designed for intentional communities, ecovillages, cohousing communities, non-profit organizations and professionals. We can help you reach the people you want – community and sustainability enthusiasts – from around the world. FIC has spent 35+ years growing a vast network, with 40,000 unique visitors to our website each month. Learn how you can get the word by working with us.
- See all of the classifieds on our website
- Post an advertisement and learn about our banner ads
Online Learning Programs
Our weekly online workshops, events, and courses are aimed to educate and inspire intentional community dreamers, seekers and builders. We partner with experts in our network to produce quality learning and networking experience through Zoom. All events are run at a sliding scale donation and registrants receive the recording to watch later.
- Learn about and sign-up for an upcoming event, on-demand or 5-week course
- Rent or download the recordings of previous events
- Let us know what topics and presenters you’d like to see next!
Outreach & Media Relations
FIC serves as a resource hub for the intentional communities movement broadly. We outreach and respond to the public through our blog, social media channels, newsletter and partnerships. We respond to media inquiries and frequently give interviews regarding the state of the movement and all aspects of life in intentional communities.
- Contact us to learn how we can promote your community or partner with your organization
- Like and share content on our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages
- Sign up to join our newsletter (sign-up form in the footer)

Learn About Our Organization
The Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC), formerly the Fellowship of Intentional Communities then the Fellowship for Intentional Community, provides publications, referrals, support services, and “sharing opportunities” for a wide range of intentional communities, cohousing groups, ecovillages, community networks, support organizations, and people seeking a home in community. The FIC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization in the United States. Learn about the history of our organization going back to 1937 on Wikipedia.
- Become an FIC Member for special member benefits and discounts
- Meet our Staff & Board Members
- Apply to join the FIC Board
- Read our DEI Statement
- Read our Annual Reports:
If you have any questions or comments please Contact Us. The Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization; all donations are tax deductible.