Sustainability Education at Findhorn Ecovillage

Posted on July 8, 2008 by

The Times Educational Supplement, a publication for teachers in the UK, has an article about the educational opportunities at Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland. The article starts with a brief nod to Findhorn‘s legendary gardens and faerie/angel culture but mostly focuses on the ecovillage’s sustainability education programs. Here’s an excerpt:

The Findhorn Foundation is a charitable trust earning income from activities as an education and conference centre, focusing on spiritual self-discovery, teaching how to live sustainably and a range of courses on the arts and healing.

The ecovillage, where community members experiment with new techniques for environmentally friendly living, won Best Practice designation from the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements in 1998. For more than 10 years, the foundation has engaged with the work of the UN as a non-government organisation, offering programmes in line with the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-14.

This community recorded the lowest eco-footprint in the industrialised world last year and is attracting the interest of politicians and others who would have given the place a wide berth until comparatively recently, according to Dawson. When he came here a decade ago, he felt it would have been political suicide for a local figure of substance to have been too closely identified with Findhorn as it was still considered a bit “away with the fairies”. But he believes as the sustainability agenda has moved centre-stage, the way of life here doesn’t seem quite so whacky to outsiders.

Read the article on Findhorn’s sustainability education programs.

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