Healing Conversations for Troubling Times

Join community healer LaRahna Hughes for a workshop on how to have healing conversations during troubling times. When we have this knowledge, our communities, groups, and organizations are better able to be socially resilient during times of conflict and crisis.

Introduction to Sociocracy

Sociocracy is an organizational model based on equivalence, efficiency, and transparency. With decisions made through consent and feedback loops, everyone feels involved and supported in the process. Join trainer Genny Carraro to discover the power of inclusive decision-making in this introduction to Sociocracy workshop.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities July

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Understanding and Addressing Diversity Related Harm

When people with marginalized identities experience harm in a community, they often withdraw from community life or leave altogether. If you’re a community member who wants to know why, this workshop is for you!
Join author and coach Crystal Byrd Farmer to understand and learn how to appropriately address diversity related harm in your community.

Examining Intentional Community Living for Elders

Being an elder is a different phase of life than just being a middle-aged adult with less capacity, and you’ll need to be aware of the needs and potentials in order to make the most of them.
Join us for this 1-hour webinar to gain a greater understanding how intentional community can support seniors as they age, as well as get a taste for our upcoming 5-week course, Aging Gracefully in Community.

Economic Models for Intentional Communities

Economics is about how we get our basic needs met, how we generate & distribute resources, and the relationships & systems involved. It’s about how we make & spend money, how we organize & carry out labor, and how we relate to wealth & ownership.
Join long-term communitarian and movement builder Sky Blue for an overview of different types of economic models for intentional communities and how they apply to your group.

Intro to Consensus

Join intentional community educator Yana Ludwig for an Intro to Consensus to learn how to reach highly committed agreements within your group.
This workshop is a basic training for groups using consensus, but will also aid individuals in building skills to better relate to their cooperative and social change groups, regardless of the formal decision-making process they follow. 

Introduction to Intentional Communities

Curious about the hundreds of intentional communities existing around the world? Want to know how you can find one to join that’s a fit for you? Wonder how to best start one drawing on the lessons learned from other communities? Join us for an Introduction to Intentional Communities from Cynthia Tina and Yana Ludwig, leaders in the field of intentional communities.

Seniors in Society Today: How to Frame Elderhood in a Positive Light

What does it take to be happy in community as a senior today? The growing challenges to feel connected and useful in the world are ever-so-present in our daily lives. Join longtime communitarian Laird Schaub to examine seniors in society today and learn how to frame elderhood in a positive light.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities August

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Planning and Funding Your Regenerative Project

Do you need help with pre-development planning, master planning, financial modeling, fundraising, or project management for your eco-project? Join the Planning and Funding Your Regenerative Project 90-min masterclass to help bring your regenerative vision to reality.

Reimagining Your Senior Years in Community

If you could write the story of your life, what kind of story would it tell? One with choice, community, socializing, sprinkled with fun? Or would it tell the story of someone who felt they didn't have any choices, lacked community, and felt isolated? You have the power to enhance your life and your journey starts right here. Join longtime communitarian Laird Schaub to envision a new future for yourself as you reimagine your senior years in community.

Filling Leadership Positions in Your Community

Power and leadership are tender yet potent topics when it comes to community dynamics, and often times communities don't plan well for filling leadership roles. During this workshop, we’ll unpack what might be happening in a community that struggles to fill and maintain leadership positions. Join Laird Schaub for an introductory workshop on what you should consider when filling leadership roles in your community.

Integrating Seniors into Community Life

All community members—seniors included—are encouraged to contribute volunteer labor to the maintenance and well-being of the community. Join longtime communitarian Laird Schaub to explore the ways seniors can contribute and how to best integrate them into community life.

Facilitating Conversations Where You Expect Disagreement

When a community issue is multi-faceted, it’s often unclear how to best tackle it, or where to even begin. In this one-hour webinar, facilitation expert Laird Schaub will unpack the dynamics and choices at play when facilitating messy conversations.
Join us for an introduction on how to facilitate a complex topic, as well as get a taste for our upcoming 5-week course, Facilitation in Community.

Creating Support Teams for Elders in Community

We all need help sometimes, and living in community can make this stressor such a relief when handled responsibly.Join communitarian Laird Schaub to learn how to address and meet needs through the creation of support teams for elders in community.

A Path of Purpose: Intuitive Mind Mapping

Join us on this inspiring journey of self-discovery and unlock the pieces that bring your life into greatest harmony. Find your path, clarify your mission, and co-create a beautiful future with the Universe and others building community.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities September

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Intentional Community for Families: What it is, isn’t, and can be

Intentional communities exist in various forms and can provide a multitude of benefits for you and your family. Join therapist, coach and community builder Amy Saloner to explore intentional community for families and learn what it is, isn't and can be.

Reclaiming Death and Dying in Community

Contemplating death, ours and others, is a deeply empowering practice that allows us to live more fully in the present and gives us access to an immense gratitude for the miracle of our own existence. There is no other mechanism quite as powerful in bringing us face to face with profound awe. Join seasoned and end-of-life educator Lee Warren for a 2-part exploration of end of life literacy, death positivity, and the conscious dying movement.

The Joys and Challenges of Children in Community

Having this vast network of parents to help raise your kids can be life-changing -- and the challenges just as great. Join us for this workshop to discover the joys and challenges of raising children in community, and learn how to mitigate these community circumstance with ease and grace.

Rematriation: Returning Indigenous Lands to Indigenous Hands

How can we take the necessary steps to healing and repairing the relationships we have to the land we live on? How can we be good guests? How can we contribute to healing? Join the urban Indigenous women-led Sogorea Te Land Trust to reflect on relationships land and how to weave cultural and traditional knowledge back in harmony with the land.

Co-Parenting in Community

What happens when we intersect multiple parenting styles that vary in skills, disciplines, and educational preferences? Join us for the Co-Parenting in Community workshop to discover how you can share the responsibility of raising children and make the work of being a co-parent a deeply spiritual and fulfilling practice.

Options for Educating Children in Community

Each community is different and has its own approach for educating their children. Join us for this workshop to learn how to navigate through all of the educational options that are available to you and come to a decision that feels right for you and your community.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities October

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Participation in Community: Understanding Tensions and Resolutions

Most communities encounter bumps in the road when it comes to non-monetary member contributions to the maintenance and well-being of the group. Join us for this introductory 1-hour webinar, to gain an understanding of healthy group dynamics around shared work in community, as well as get a taste for our upcoming 5-week course, Work & Participation in Community.

Planning for Children in Community

Looking at the capacity of your community and their willingness to support families will be an important factor to consider when planning for children in community. Join us for this 2-hour workshop to learn how to navigate the conversations that are needed when planning for children in community to ensure the happiness and comfort of everyone involved.

Place Justice 101: Making, Taking and Keeping Place

To varying degrees, we all shape and are shaped by the places we inhabit. Join place justice facilitator, artist and educator ridhi d’cruz on a journey of designing justice at the intersections of healing, creativity and place.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities November

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Want to dive deeper into how to join, start or grow an intentional community?
Join us for an upcoming course!

See All Courses