Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities November

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Creating Community in the Modern World

What is lacking in the modern society model? When we think about human connection, ecological balance, existential purpose, spiritual meaning: what could be different?
Join Damanhur resident, Celastrina, for Creating Community in the Modern World, a webinar on how to build modern eco villages in today's society.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities December

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities January 2024

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

The Impact of Ecovillages Worldwide

Ecovillages are regarded as real-life laboratories of sustainable change. They are communities in which people develop sustainable, social, ecological, economic and cultural practices. These emerging innovations can provide important insight for the broader society and drive sustainability transitions. 
Join sociology researcher Lasse Kos to explore the impact of ecovillages in North America and worldwide, via a presentation on the results of the largest global survey on ecovillages.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities February 2024

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Death & Dying in Community

Contemplating death, ours and others, is a deeply empowering practice that allows us to live more fully in the present and gives us access to an immense gratitude for the miracle of our own existence. There is no other mechanism quite as powerful in bringing us face to face with profound awe. Join seasoned and end-of-life educator Lee Warren for a 2-part exploration of end of life literacy, death positivity, and the conscious dying movement.

Best Practices in Membership & Recruitment

Having a membership selection process is critical to long term community viability and mission fulfilment. In this session, Yana Ludwig will provide you with detailed guidance for how to create a seamless and transparent process for both your community and potential members.

Blueprints for Belonging: Introducing New Interview Series

Kick off your journey into intentional community building with the inaugural event of "Blueprints for Belonging: Conversations on Creating Intentional Communities."
In this opening session, Cynthia Tina will introduce the overarching themes, provide a clear framework for the discussions to come, and demystify the key terminology you'll need to navigate the world of intentional communities.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities March 2024

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Blueprints for Belonging: Conversations on Creating Intentional Communities March

Discover the essentials of starting your own intentional community with March's Blueprints for Belonging: Conversations on Creating Intentional Communities featuring Jan Martin Bang.
This event series is crafted for emerging community founders, offering direct access to practical advice and insights from experts in the field. Led by Cynthia Tina, who brings her experience from visiting over 200 communities worldwide, each session features one-to-one interviews with community consultants, founders, and educators.

A Brief Intro to Sociocracy

Every community has to decide (and redecide) how to govern itself. Join Sociocracy for All's Jerry Koch-Gonzalez for a brief introduction to Sociocracy to learn how dynamic governance can help your community.

Common Legal Issues in Community

Strong and responsive legal agreements within communities are key to both their long-term success and maintaining healthy relationships between community members. In this webinar, you’ll learn about some of the most common legal issues that communities face and how to prepare for them.

Addressing Participation Issues in Community

Most communities begin with the sweet hope that all members will contribute meaningfully to the maintenance and well-being of the group...but then find that reality doesn't match the dream. Join longtime communitarian Laird Schaub to learn about tensions around participation in community and how you can resolve them.

Understanding Values to Make Better Group Decisions

While it is generally understood that a clearly-defined set of values are at the heart of every successful community, it is less well-known how we might achieve that clarity and then use those values towards better decision making. Join social designer and facilitator, Tristan Holme, for a webinar on how communities can understand their values to make better group decisions.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities April 2024

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Blueprints for Belonging: Conversations on Creating Intentional Communities April

Discover the essentials of starting your own intentional community with April's Blueprints for Belonging: Conversations on Creating Intentional Communities featuring Nicole Reese.
This event series is crafted for emerging community founders, offering direct access to practical advice and insights from experts in the field. Led by Cynthia Tina, who brings her experience from visiting over 200 communities worldwide, each session features one-to-one interviews with community consultants, founders, and educators.

Cooperative Self-Governance for Communities and Beyond

A wise communitarian once said, the best thing about living in community is the people, and the worst thing about living in community is the people. And one of the places this shows up most is around governance. Join long-term communitarian and movement builder Sky Blue to for a deep dive into cooperative self-governance for communities and beyond. You'll gain a greater sense of clarity and possibility for how your group can align your governance system with your vision & culture.

Find Your Fit: A Practical Guide to Joining an Intentional Community

Looking to join a community without the hassle of starting from scratch? It's possible! With hundreds of communities in various stages of development, finding one that matches your values, lifestyle, and vision is more achievable than ever.
Join community matchmaker Cynthia Tina for A Practical Guide to Joining an Intentional Community, a step-by-step approach to finding your ideal community.

The Role of Ecovillages and the Climate Crisis

Ecovillages have always been beacons of hope and laboratories for how we might live in greater harmony with each other and our planet. In times of climate breakdown, what roles do intentional communities focused on living well and lightly play for society at large? In the rising tides and storms, are they lifeboats, rescue ships, and/or parts of a larger flotilla? 
Join us for an engaging conversations amongst a few legendary elders about the current and future role of ecovillages in our growing climate crisis.

Managing the Moment When Conflict Emerges

When conflict arises, it's often unclear how to best tackle it or where to even begin. Join us for this 1-hour webinar to learn how to prepare for conflict as well as get a taste for our upcoming 6-week course, Working with Conflict in Community.

6 Surprising Truths About Building Effective Relationships

Join us for 6 Surprising Truths About Building Effective Relationships, to get a taste of best practices for communication and connection whether you’re on the journey to starting a community or are currently residing in one. Karen Gimnig will cover these topics and more in greater depth in our upcoming 6-week course, Communication & Relationship Building in Community. 

Cults Explained: An Interview with Steven Hassan

Generally, we think of cults as bad, and based on what we’ve heard in mainstream news, it’s hard to imagine how they could possibly be good. But how do we define good and bad, and what exactly is the definition of a cult? How do we sift through all of this information to determine what is right for us?
Join FIC Co-Director, Daniel Greenberg, and Cult Expert, Steven Hassan PhD, for a stimulating conversation on the controversial topics of cults.

Blueprints for Belonging: Conversations on Creating Intentional Communities May

Discover the essentials of starting your own intentional community with May's Blueprints for Belonging: Conversations on Creating Intentional Communities featuring Zarinah Agnew.
This event series is crafted for emerging community founders, offering direct access to practical advice and insights from experts in the field. Led by Cynthia Tina, who brings her experience from visiting over 200 communities worldwide, each session features one-to-one interviews with community consultants, founders, and educators.

Pro Tips for Starting an Intentional Community

When you hear stories of how established Intentional Communities were founded, it often feels like fate. But there are best practices that can help us tempt fate.
Join long-term communitarian and movement builder Sky Blue to learn pro tips for starting an intentional community.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities June 2024

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Blueprints for Belonging: Conversations on Creating Intentional Communities June

Join "Blueprints for Belonging" to gain the knowledge and connections needed to successfully launch your intentional community.
This event series is crafted for emerging community founders, offering direct access to practical advice and insights from experts in the field. Led by Cynthia Tina, who brings her experience from visiting over 200 communities worldwide, each session features one-to-one interviews with community consultants, founders, and educators.

Rethinking the Future of Intentional Communities

Given the increasingly dramatic impacts of climate change, economic collapse, and social inequality, intentional communities are set to become models for how humans can live high-quality and low-impact lives together.
Join community veterans, Crystal Byrd Farmer, Sky Blue, and Daniel Greenberg for this panel discussion + Q&A exploring how we can truly become pivot points upon which humanity can turn towards a better future.

Unlocking the Benefits of FIC’s Community Membership

Calling all intentional communities! What is your vision for the communities movement in the coming years? What do we need to become as our global crises deepen? We have an incredible opportunity to become the pivots of change and the only way to get from here to there is by working together! 
Join us for an engaging webinar where we delve into the unique advantages of our newly launched Community Membership.

Blueprints for Belonging: Conversations on Creating Intentional Communities July

Join "Blueprints for Belonging" to gain the knowledge and connections needed to successfully launch your intentional community.
This event series is crafted for emerging community founders, offering direct access to practical advice and insights from experts in the field. Led by Cynthia Tina, who brings her experience from visiting over 200 communities worldwide, each session features one-to-one interviews with community consultants, founders, and educators.

Want to dive deeper into how to join, start or grow an intentional community?
Join us for an upcoming course!

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