BIPOC Intentional Community Council

Posted on August 18, 2020 by
BIPOC IC Council logo and photos of BIPOC

The BIPOC Intentional Community Council supports communitarians of color in building inclusive intentional communities

Our mission is to cultivate radically safe and inclusive communities for black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) by providing inspiration, solidarity, and support to those seeking to find or found communities, and to those already living in community.

In 2020, protests across the country inspired people to think about the need for marginalized voices to be heard. The Foundation for Intentional Community engaged in the conversation with a deep desire to understand its impact on racial justice in the intentional communities movement. As a first step, they decided to allocate 10% of unrestricted donations to a fund supporting BIPOC-led communities, with a council governing where the funds go. Enthusiastic about the possibilities, FIC board members reached out to Black, indigenous, and communitarians of color to share about the new initiative.

An initial group of supporters met monthly, sharing their frustrations, hopes, and dreams as seekers and founders in the movement. They determined two key needs for the Council to meet: regular support calls for people to continue to share, and a process to regrant funds donated to the Council to communities that are fulfilling the vision of safe, inclusive spaces for marginalized people. Since 2021 the Council has granted $27,000 to various projects in alignment with its mission.

The Council gained 501c3 status in 2023 and formed an independent Board of Directors who volunteer to continue the work of the Council along with its Managing Director.


10% of donation goes to Fund and rest to FIC


100% of donation goes to the Council


Make a Larger Sum Pledge

If you’re interested in making a larger donation pledge directly to the BIPOC Intentional Communities Fund, please contact to learn more and make a pledge. Be in touch if your organization is interested in matching FIC’s 10% model to support the Fund.

Join the Council

Membership on the Council is open to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. You can join the Council by going here:

Apply for Funding!

The BIPOC Council accepts applications for funding from BIPOC-led projects in the fall of each year. Please apply and let us know what your needs are as a community. If you are an individual seeking community or a majority white community, follow us for future updates.

Filed Under: All Blog Posts

18 Replies to “BIPOC Intentional Community Council”



WE FOUND A PLACE! WE need help! We did this backwards. Picture of our place is on my Profile. We will be getting our foot in the door in August. SO GRATEFUL


Hi! Is it possible to identify the intentional communities that are BIPOC friendly or woke friendly? thank you. I am from Montreal.


I CAN identify as a POC and WOKE.


Email me, I could share some information most of the IC’s wouldn’t be aware of for “BIPOC”.

J McCune Porter

Please search the directory listings here


Hello, my name is Jamal Bashir Bey. I have been passionately seeking the knowledge and information to create the realization of my vision of an indigenous intentional community.
I would love to either be a part of the board for BIPOC communities or gain the knowledge to create several.

J McCune Porter

Please write to with any questions or to learn how to get involved


Hi there,
I am transgender, non binary BIPOC bodied. I also have a strong and intimate relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit. I am seeking to join or create a Christ centered vegan community animal sanctuary/rescue that is 100 eco-friendly and rural. I envision compost toliets, solar showers, zero waste, complete production of fruits and vegetables, regularly shared meals, regular worship and praise of Christ, constant hosting of the Holy Spirit through His fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. No judgement. No gossip. No condemnation. No hierarchy. Simple living among fellows, friends and family.


How do we apply for help?


Dear FIC BIPOC Council,
I wish to make my home in a cohousing community located in the Northeastern US. This community would be beautiful, welcoming, racially inclusive, gender nonbinary and intergenerational. Ideally, it would be built with an emphasis on farming and ecological sustainability.

I am a black woman living in Richmond, Virginia. I have long wished to live in a cohousing community but have not yet found a place embodying my needs, as expressed above. I believe that the best way to learn is experientially. Therefore, I would like to serve on the BIPOC Council and learn to build that which I am seeking.
Thank you for considering my request.
Whitney Tymas

Elliott Cisneros

Hi Whitney, My name is Elliott Cisneros and we are getting going in Charlottesville. Please visit our website at or look us up in this directory – would love to have a conversation! You can email me at All the Best, Elliott


I hope you find what you are looking for and/or create it. Have you visited the Richmond Cohousing and Emerson Commons in Crozet, VA. At least you could network and learn what to do and not to do as you go forward.


Wow! I want to help your community project grow <3


I AM also willing and able to sit on the Council so that I can share our positive experiences with others and to let others know that ALL things are possible! We are non denominational and will welcome ALL religions and faiths to assist us with the POSITIVE aspects of their beliefs and teachings.


My name is Anita Abraham. I AM a Climate Reality Leader/Mentor that also has nonprofit status.
Our Organization Ihnfinity,Inc. was established in 1976 and has been family owned and operated ever since then.
I personally cannot thank you enough for this opportunity in advance! OMG
Our goal is to estbalish a workable sustainable/Eco friendly environment in the state of Florida or Hawaii to share with other like minded POC, preferrably women with children that are in need of safe places because of traumatic experiences in life.
We have SO much to offer and just need the proper directions and assistance on how to implement them.
Currently we offer Homeopathic dieticians, emotional wellness coaches, Mental Health Peer Support Specialists and more!
It is OUR belief that environment has a LOT to do with Mental Health recovery!
WITH your guidance and input WE Believe that we CAN create an environment that people will not only grow in Mentally and physically, but they WILL learn and acquire skills that they will be able to share OUTSIDE of Our Community in order to assist others with THEIR growth!
We want to BE THE SEED!
Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity!


We are bringing a community of BIPOC folks to our School of Living CLT. Please le me know how they can receive some financial or other support from FIC. I’m not certain they have the time/energy to be on your Council, as they are struggling just to establish themselves on the land. But I can inquire of them, when I know what FIC’s needs are.
What would be involved for ME to be on the Council (I am not BIPOC). I am chair of our Land Committee (manages our CLT) of School of Living.
Thanks for your response and advice.
Ann Wilken
for School of Living Land Trust

Zander Brown

I’m very interested in this!

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