Rachel Carson EcoVillage seeks new members as construction starts!

by RachelCarsonEcovillage
Communities with Openings
McCandless, PA (Pittsburgh area)

We’re Rachel Carson EcoVillage       a visionary collaborative community  with a commitment to sustainability, inclusivity, and social justice. Our innovative co-housing development is located in McCandless Township, just 10 miles north of downtown Pittsburgh, PA.  It will provide an eco- friendly, multi-generational neighborhood that fosters environmental stewardship, social cohesion, and a  deep connection to nature.  

Nestled in the woods, we are also adjacent to La Roche University, and within walking distance of a grocery store, book store, restaurants, movie theater, hospitals and public transportation we will also be in close proximity to downtown Pittsburgh, one of America’s most livable cities. The local public schools are recognized for academic excellence. 

We are excited to announce we are on the brink of construction! There’s still  room for you to join our 26 committed households. 9 more units are available. Find out more by visiting our website rachelcarsonecovillage.org , watching our video and/or signing up for an Introductory Session. Details about upcoming Introductory Sessions can be found on our website or by emailing rceintro@gmail.com