Fiscal Sponsorship Program
If you’re part of an intentional community or community-focused project, consider joining the Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC)’s fiscal sponsorship program to support your fundraising.
So you can spend more time getting the work done.
What is fiscal sponsorship?
Fiscal sponsorship is a formal relationship between a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and a project that’s brought under the organization’s tax status umbrella. Sponsorship is an alternative to starting your own nonprofit that allows you to seek out grants and solicit tax-deductible donations under your sponsor’s exempt status.
This means that you can raise money without having to pay taxes for your project, and that your donor pool grows because donors can get tax benefits for donating to your work!
What does FIC’s fiscal sponsorship program offer?
FIC’s fiscal sponsorship program is designed for mission-aligned individuals, a group of individuals, or a small organization. You focus on your work and we support your fundraising by ensuring compliance within the law and serving as a parent organization that liaises with the IRS.
In addition to increasing your ability to fundraise, FIC’s fiscal sponsorship program also offers:
- Tax receipts to all donors over $250 (per IRS requirements)
- Tax filings for up to two independent contractors (if project does not have a legal entity of its own)
- Sponsoring organization for grant applications and for receiving favorable rates for services (such as crowdfunding platforms)
- Display on the FIC’s website and consultant recommendations to support your work
Apply for Fiscal Sponsorship
Apply to join the program by clicking the button below and complete your application form.
If your application is accepted, an FIC staff member will contact you to arrange an initial meeting and work with you to create a unique agreement. Sponsorship fees typically fall between 5-7% and are determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on:
- the frequency of disbursements and transaction reports needed
- the need for tax filings for individuals compensated
- if the group is majority BIPOC, LGBTQ+, working class, or from some other disadvantaged group
We look forward to hearing from you.
Questions? Contact us.