Author: James Collector

Born in Boulder, Colorado, James Collector, 24, graduated from the University of Colorado with a degree in journalism. His quest is to answer the question: “How to be?” But he's not dying for answers; the search is the life lesson. Articles by James Collector include: Growing a Culture of Gratitude in Argentine Patagonia (Issue # 153)

On the Potential for an IC Business Network

Posted on September 14, 2018 by

Research and data strongly suggest that a network of intentional community businesses could fill a real need for both customers and business owners.

Growing a Culture of Gratitude in Argentine Patagonia

Posted on December 7, 2011 by

An organic farming volunteer learns surprising new lessons from his Argentinian hosts—such as how to relax, how to enjoy practical labor, and how to contribute more sustainably by putting personal work first.